What was the benefit for you personally?
“I was pleasantly pleased with the openness and activity of the leader and team members”
“It was important for me to involve all team members in finding and using resources”
“We were able to correctly assess the capabilities of our colleagues on this topic and see new resources”
“I saw myself in dialogue with many like-minded people”
From your point of view, what was the benefit for the whole team?
«Мы стали ближе и доступнее друг другу»
«Получилось увидеть широкую картинку, поймать неожиданные инсайты»
«У нас наконец-то появилась классификация ресурсов!»
«Мы провели выделение критичных ресурсов и узких мест по их доступности»
«Пришло понимание реальной общности команды, целеустремленности каждого для достижения поставленный цели и наших возможностей как команды»
What did working with this approach give to your project?
“Positions and behavior when working with external entities and resources have been adjusted. The functions that need to be paid attention to first have been identified."
“The most critical resources have been identified, without which the assigned tasks can hardly be solved”
“Points have been identified for more detailed discussion with team members”